The 2022 Interagency Technical Report uses the foundational knowledge and projections from the IPCC AR6 to develop specific sea level rise scenarios tailored for practical use in the United States. This report is produced by multiple U.S. federal agencies and aims to provide actionable information for policy-makers, planners, and stakeholders. The 2022 Interagency Technical Report adapts these projections to a more localized context, providing detailed scenarios for different regions and communities in the U.S. It includes site-specific vertical land motion and other localized factors to create relevant sea level scenarios. While the IPCC AR6 provides a global scientific foundation, the 2022 Interagency Technical Report translates this knowledge into practical scientific information for U.S. policy-makers and planners. This helps bridge the gap between global scientific assessments and local implementation needs.

The report has three main components:

  1. Updated scenarios of global and regional sea levels out to the year 2150.
  2. A focus on the near-term time period using observation-based trajectories out to 2050.
  3. A new national gridded set of extreme water level probabilities that illustrate how the frequency of NOAA minor, moderate, and major high tide flooding events will change in frequency out to year 2050.